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Insightful Articles On Typology & Life

Our Journey Into Social Media

Written by Zac Kojima Read

Alas, the inevitable has arrived.

As much as we tried putting social media off, we have finally reached a crossroads. We can either continue to ignore the world of social media, or we can embrace it and tap into its endless potential.

So after days of intense discussion, we have ultimately decided to venture into the online universe of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Our Journey Into Social Media.

For those of you wondering, here is a little backstory on our decision. Since our inception, we naturally created a Facebook page, just as any other company would do. However, we decided not to kick-start it just yet. After listening to the arguments of a few far-sighted Builders in our team, we unanimously agreed not to expand too quickly when we weren’t yet prepared for it.

We know that expanding too quickly will mean compromising on quality. And that’s not a value that we were willing to give up. And it’s true, if we are flooded with too much volume, it would be challenging to respond to all the social media messages on top of the many emails that were already coming in.

Moreover, even if we had started the Facebook page, we didn’t have a dedicated team to manage it. As a result, the page would have been nothing more than lifeless and stagnant, adding little to no value to the lives of our initial followers. That’s the last thing we would want for our people.

Herein lies the exciting news! Given enough time to build a solid foundation, we’re now confident and prepared to spread our wings into the realm of social media!

Thanks to the power of social media, we now have the ability to connect with an even wider audience and make a greater impact on the world than ever before. We hope to inspire more people from all corners of the globe to discover their unique personality type and understand how typology can positively impact their lives and the lives of those around them!

To those who would love to follow us on our journey, read insightful posts on typology, and keep up-to-date with the latest developments at Personality Ninja, we invite you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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