The terms and conditions that all users are
required to read before using our Site.


At the heart of our company lies a deep passion for helping people. Our purpose is to guide individuals towards discovering and embracing every aspect of themselves, fostering personal growth and fulfillment.

However, we recognize that our success would not be possible without the support of those who have turned to us for help. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our clients and make a positive impact on their lives.

From all of us at Personality Ninja, thank you for your trust in us whenever you use our products and services. Our team works tirelessly day in and day out to maintain and enhance Personality Ninja, striving to provide you with the best possible experience. We value your feedback and are committed to continuously improving our offerings to serve you even better in the future.

The truth is, most of us are uncomfortable with having any sort of legal contracts with our users, as we believe that anything can be overcome with genuine understanding from both parties. Plus, it feels very impersonal, treating human beings as nothing more than entities.

However, there are all sorts of people in this diverse world, and what we offer here may not sit well with some people, possibly leading to major disputes that detract both parties from the joys of life. After all, life is short and every moment is precious. As such, alongside the firm insistence of our de facto lawyer, we deem these terms here necessary in order to protect both you and us, set expectations for both parties, and provide transparency to our policies.

A legal contract is not by any means a way to intimidate users or escape from responsibilities. It is simply the last bastion of method to be used should both parties be unable to reach a mutual agreement. So, beyond what is written here, do keep in mind that we are always open to working out things in various ways, should any problems arise between us.

Below we have the entirety of our Terms Of Use. We know that legal terms can be exhausting to read, and that is why we have tried our best to create an agreement that is intuitive, engaging, and straightforward as possible while adhering to the required aspects of a legally binding agreement.

We strongly urge you to review and understand our Terms Of Use before you access and use our Site and products as these Terms Of Use are applicable even if you have not read it.

Legal Agreement

For the sake of clarity, here are the legal definitions required: Our company is registered as “NXT Mind Academy,” hereby termed as “we,” “us,” or “our.” Our website is known as “Personality Ninja” and is hosted at “www.personality.ninja” or “www.personalityninja.com”, hereby termed as “Website.” The Website, together with any other form of media connected to it, shall collectively be termed as the “Site.” Each visitor or user, whether personally or on behalf of an entity, is hereby termed as “User” or “you.” We offer physical products, digital content, and paid services, hereby collectively termed as “products.” Every piece of information available at our Site as well as within the products offered, shall be termed as “information.”

These Terms Of Use constitute a binding and enforceable legal contract between us and you, concerning your access to and usage of our Site and products. You must be over the age of 13 years (or above the minimum age in your country) to use our Site or purchase our products. Otherwise, you may use our Site and products only with the involvement or permission of your parent or guardian.

You agree that by accessing or using the Site, you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by all of these Terms Of Use. If you do not agree to any of these Terms Of Use, then you may not use the Site. In addition, by accessing or using our Site, you also acknowledge that you have read and agreed with our Privacy Policy.

Nature Of Services

We seek to provide users with beneficial, experiential, and practical information about their personalities, to increase self-awareness and support them with their personal growth. We seek to do so by providing this information in a fairly and easily accessible manner, to bridge the gap between the different classes of human equity.

As such, the information given by our Site, together with the products offered and all services related to it, are for educational and informational purposes only. Reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure that the information provided is useful, understandable, correct, complete, and up-to-date, but we cannot be held liable or responsible for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. Our information is offered in good faith; you do not have to use it.

The information provided is not intended as a substitute for the medical or psychiatric advice of physicians, and neither is it intended to be construed as such. We did not design our information, nor did we attempt, to diagnose psychological or medical conditions. Hence, all our information should be treated as such. Use it at your own risk.

You should not rely entirely on our information only, without further due diligence. You might find some of the information helpful, and others less so; or not at all, but the hope is that by understanding yourself better, you will bring about improvements in all areas of your life.

NXT Framework

The entirety of our personality framework and related information shall collectively be known as “Neo-Jungian Experiential Typology” or “NXT.” It is primarily based on the works of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), specifically his book Psychological Types (1921 / 1923), that proposes the theory of psychological functions (cognitive functions) amongst other things.

Although some of the terms we use may also be found in Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS), and any other similar personality systems, we hereby refute any claims of copyright infringement.

Our personality framework is completely unique, based on our own experiential findings and works of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung. Certain terms used by both our and other systems, such as introvert, extravert, cognitive function, exploring, and leader, are sheltered under fair use as they are common everyday terms and should be treated as such.

You hereby acknowledge and agree on the clear distinction between our personality system and that of others. As such, you will do your best to not misrepresent us in any way that may suggest any infringement of copyright with other personality systems.

NXT Type Explorer

We provide a free personality identification tool (the “NXT Type Explorer”) at our Site that has been created for the sole purpose of analyzing your choices and proposing a best-fit personality archetype from a possibility of 512 archetype variants. After completion of the questionnaire, you will be given results based on the alignment and precision of your choices, possibly giving you no results at all. As such, we do not guarantee that you will receive any results if your choices have too many contradictions.

As the NXT Type Explorer may take more than an hour to complete, we cannot and will not be held responsible should there be any interruptions (such as Internet failure, personal emergencies, or similar situations) to the process that result in a loss of data.

All results are automatically calculated based on the NXT Type Explorer algorithm and without any prejudice. There is also no good or bad result, as that is not what NXT is designed for.

User Account

You can access most areas of our Site without registering, but if you wish to view certain content or access certain products, you may be required to register with our Site.

If you choose to register an account with us, you will be asked to provide certain information (such as e‑mail address, location, billing details, and similar form of data) that is strictly protected by us, as promised in our Privacy Policy. You may only create one user account per person.

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and password. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage from your failure to comply with this security obligation. If you have reason to believe that there is a likely breach of security to your account, please notify us immediately so that we may temporarily suspend the account while assisting you with the recovery of your account.

You are responsible for all content posted and every activity that occurs under your user account. You also agree to keep all information provided to us complete, accurate, and updated at all times.

We reserve the right at our discretion to suspend or revoke any user account at any time, where in our opinion is reasonable to do so, particularly when the user account is not in compliance with the Terms of Use as depicted here.

Payment & Refund

Most of the information on our Site is provided free of charge, no payment required, as our priority is to reach out and share our information on personal growth, to as many people as possible, without letting money be a hindrance.

To maintain our Site and our livelihoods, we offer various products that are optional in nature (merchandize items, entertainment content, printed books, gift vouchers, and similar items). We also offer products in the form of paid services (type identification, life coaching, and similar services). Most of the products involve a one-off payment that is made via our Site.

While we will do everything within our ability and within reason to ensure your satisfaction, we generally do not provide any refunds or exchanges for all products purchased, except as required by law. If you have any technical difficulties or questions regarding our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

By completing your purchase, you acknowledge and agree that you will not receive a refund for any reason, including but not limited to, dissatisfaction with the product, inability to use the product, or change of mind. All sales are final and non-refundable. Nevertheless, if you are unhappy with our products or services, do contact us and we will see what we can do, as we treat every request on a case-by-case basis.

Social Equity

In line with our efforts to narrow the wealth gap and promote equitable balance, we do provide paid products for free, based on a decision-framework that takes the applicant’s effort and wealth status into account. While it is easy to share our non-personalized digital products (e-books) with the underprivileged, the same cannot be said about our personalized products (life coaching and type identification services). We only have a limited amount of time and people, and as such, can only provide this form of contribution on a limited basis based on our physical limitations.

If you are relatively privileged enough to purchase our products, please do not take away the opportunities that otherwise would have been given to someone who is much less privileged. If you apply for any of our giveaways for the underprivileged, you acknowledge that all information you provide us is correct, true, and accurate.

All applicants of our giveaways hereby acknowledge and agree that our giveaways are based on a limited and fixed quantity per period of time, and that the selection is at our sole and absolute discretion.

Intellectual Property

The information (including our name, look, and feel) available at our Site and products are copyrighted under us. Except where otherwise noted, we reserve all rights. You must not create or modify any media content (such as a website or social media channel) so as to falsely imply that it is officially associated with our Site. You may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or exploit any portion of the information (including the Site’s coding or visual design elements) without written permission from us.

Having said that, we generally lean towards an open-source culture, so we highly encourage you to freely use all our information without needing any permission, as long as it is for your own personal usage (such as fanart or summarized content for your own use). However, if you need anything beyond that, feel free to ask for our permission. We will grant it easily in most cases, especially if it helps with your personal growth, unless your request is in bad faith (such as duplicating the entire Site and claiming it to be the official website for commercial purposes). We reserve the right to revoke this permission if you violate these Terms Of Use.

User Feedback

We highly encourage suggestions, comments, or feedback in any form, including bug reports or feature requests, as our Site is meant to serve the global community as a whole. Without you, we would not know what to improve on that would serve you best. However, our time dedicated to this Site is limited, so we will set our priorities based on the urgency of the feedback, the quantity of similar feedback, and our personal evaluation.

You hereby agree to waive any and all claims to any rights in regard to any suggestion given to us. It is in bad faith to suggest for a feature improvement and then claim compensation from it after we spent the time improving the Site for you. At our sole discretion, we may find a suitable venue to credit you where possible.

Do be professional or kind in your feedback. We reserve the right to disregard, without prejudice, any feedback that is harshly toxic in nature, including but not limited to, expletive language and vulgar images, that are used to offend or degrade us. Your feedback is viewed by real human beings and not machines, and as such, we prioritize our inner peace over any engagement with toxic behavior.

Website Features

All information, including the features and method of delivery, have been designed with considerable thought based on our own experience and the experiences of our users who share their feedback. However, it is not reasonably possible to please everybody. Hence, we make no guarantees that our information and products, including the features and method of delivery, will meet your specific requirements or expectations.

Although we conduct extensive tests on our Site prior to launching, the Site will inevitably have some bugs, just like how any other digital service may have. However, due to our limited time, we will only track and fix bugs reported to us based on our framework of priorities, that highly focuses on any bugs related to security or privacy. You understand that not all reported bugs will get fixed, and we do not guarantee our Site to be completely error-free.

Uptime & Security

Our Site and products are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Although we take our uptime seriously, you acknowledge and agree that from time to time we may need to suspend access to all or a part of any site while we fix any errors, implement updates, or undertake any emergency maintenance to the Site, and as a result of which the Site may be less accessible or completely unavailable to you from time to time.

We take many measures to ensure that the third-party servers hosting our Site is one that can reasonably protect and secure your data, through methods such as but not limited to, backups, redundancies, and encryption. Although the third-party servers we rely on do perform regular routine backups of data, you are solely responsible for all data that you transmit or that relates to any activity you have undertaken while using our Site.

You agree that we shall not be liable for any loss or corruption of any such data, and you hereby waive any right of action against us arising from the loss or corruption of any such data. We also cannot be held liable or responsible for any breach of security that arise from your user account or our third-party servers. Nevertheless, we will still do our best to facilitate any problems that you may face in the event of such a problem.

Cookies & Privacy

Cookies are used on our Site to provide you with a better experience, including any customizations. Cookies are also necessary if you are taking our NXT Type Explorer, as they help to track your progress in case of any interruptions. We do not track any data for advertisements or reselling purposes. We neither do paid advertisements nor affiliate marketing.

You hereby consent to our use of cookies whenever you use our Site. If you do not agree, please discontinue from using our Site. You can view our Privacy Policy for more information about our cookies usage as well as how your personal data is handled.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us harmless, including our members and all our respective partners, from and against any liability and claims, including reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses, made by any third party arising out of any purported breach of these Terms of Use by you.

Nevertheless, we reserve the right, at your expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter for which you are required to indemnify us, and you agree to cooperate, at your expense, with our defense of such claims. We will use reasonable efforts to notify you of any such action which is subject to this indemnification upon becoming aware of it.

Therefore, if you object to anything within this Terms Of Use, please discontinue usage of our Site.

Changes & Updates

We reserve the right to make any amendments to our Site and information, including features, services, and prices, without prior notice, at any time and in any manner. This includes the right to change, suspend, or terminate any of our products or information, including the amendment or removal of, any materials created by you or products associated with your account.

We may update these Terms Of Use in the future, usually for clarity’s sake. Whenever we make any significant changes to our policies, we will refresh the last updated date and take any appropriate steps to notify our users. Revised Terms Of Use will always apply to you whenever you use our Site, whether now or in the future.

Contact Details

If you have any questions about our Terms Of Use, please contact us using the form provided here or by e‑mailing support [at] and we will do our best to answer.

This page was last updated
on 29th March 2023.