Background depicting an imagined scenario in the life of a Executive.

Dominant Aspects

If humans were computers, our dominant traits would be the operating system that is embedded and hard-coded in our minds. These deeply ingrained behaviors run on autopilot, driving our every action without conscious thought. Like breathing or blinking, we can actively choose to control our actions with enough concentration. However, most of the time, our recurring behaviors seem to be driven by our subconscious, functioning effortlessly and instinctively.

Instinct is a marvelous thing. It can
neither be explained nor ignored.

Agatha Christie

Dominant traits are often mistaken as strengths in most other personality systems. But here in Personality Ninja, we hold a different view. To us, traits are just traits, shaped by the wiring of our cognitive functions. Whether a trait is good or bad largely depends on the way it is used. As such, these traits can either be the source of one's greatest strengths, or the cause of their biggest downfall.

Naturally, we will hone our dominant traits, refining them into our super strengths. However, if we are not careful, there is a chance that we may push our dominant traits into overdrive, manifesting them in very unhealthy ways. In the end, our dominant traits are our natural tendencies and nothing more. The key to harnessing them effectively lies in knowing when, where, and how to use them.

❱ Efficient at Managing Systematically

Steadfast and realistic, Executives have the ability to mobilize teams efficiently to accomplish their goals. They are consistent and systematic when working with others, often prepared with a well-thought-out plan in hand. To achieve excellent results at every juncture, Executives set practical goals for themselves and their teams to follow. Through and through, Executives are highly dependable to the people around them.


Although Executives are capable of producing great work, they tend to overlook people’s emotions in their pursuit of results. Putting efficiency above all else, they might be awfully blunt when pointing out mistakes, thinking that they are helping others improve. However, despite having good intentions, their harsh words may still offend others nonetheless. Therefore, Executives should balance productivity with empathy, or risk straining their relationships with those around them.

When taken to the extreme, some Executives may grow fixated with efficiency. Should that happen, they might be extremely critical of their teams over the tiniest mistakes, appearing heartless towards those who fail to meet their standards. In moments of tension, they may even lash out at their teammates, showing absolutely no consideration for how others feel. Eventually, such Executives will be left without support if they continue to take others for granted.

❱ Structured in Problem Solving

When others are faced with problems, Executives are ever ready to step in with solutions. Their exceptional problem-solving skills can be ascribed to their ability to assess situations systematically and formulate tried-and-true methods that can guarantee success. Whether they are offering practical advice to others, or thinking of ways to streamline work processes, Executives can effortlessly solve any problem that comes their way, obtaining immediate and tangible results.


However, Executives tend to see problems at face value, unaware that some situations are more complex than others. They may believe that their solutions are consistently reliable, but fail to understand that it may not be applicable in every context. Without looking at the bigger picture, they may just be aggravating the situation further. Hence, Executives ought to look beyond what they are familiar with in order to tackle the essence of complex problems.

To make matters worse, when Executives are put under pressure, their logic can sometimes be incoherent, confusing, or even contradictory. In some cases, they may even resort to shallow and flawed arguments in a desperate attempt to explain or defend themselves. Unfortunately, when their reasons are scrutinized, the inconsistencies in their logic might become very apparent, making Executives seem extremely unreasonable and immature to everyone else.

❱ Determined in Achieving Results

Executives set challenging goals and work tirelessly to surpass them. Unsurprisingly, they are willing to invest all their time and energy into their commitments as they harbor a constant need to climb the ladder of success. With the ability to think pragmatically, Executives are able to develop the best techniques to achieve what they have set out for. More importantly, their unwavering determination allows them to persist until they have reached their goals.


Unfortunately, workaholism commonly plagues Executives. A great deal of them may unconsciously measure their worth by the sum of their achievements, feeling inadequate when their goals are not met. To keep these insecurities at bay, Executives often drown themselves in work and some may even feel guilty for wanting to take a break. Sadly, this mindset often comes at the expense of their family and friends as they put their social life on the backburner.

At their worst, Executives may grow so consumed with achievements that they will do whatever it takes to check the boxes of success. This unhealthy obsession may cause them to view people as nothing more than a means to an end, and they might exploit others just to reach their goals. Sadly, no matter how much they succeed, Executives will always feel a void in their hearts if they compromise their values; and the harder they chase success, the emptier they will feel.

❱ Logical with Clear Explanations

Executives are often known to communicate clearly and coherently, making it easy for others to understand what they are saying. Knowing that misunderstandings only hinder progress, Executives usually prefer to express their thoughts in a step-by-step manner, so that nothing gets lost in translation. More than that, when they are teaching others, they can easily get their points across because they always provide clear and logical reasons to support their lessons.


But despite their clear communication style, Executives are often very direct in their speech, making it difficult for others to accept what they have to say. The thing is, as rational people, they sometimes forget that unfiltered words can be sharp and hurtful. And when they are unaware of their tone, they might sound rude and demeaning even though they mean no harm. Therefore, as useful as their advice may be, people will turn a deaf ear towards them if they don’t care to be tactful.

Like a guest arriving without invitation, Executives who lack tactfulness may be perceived as intrusive. Assuming they know best, Executives intervene into people's problems by giving their unsolicited advice. Often overconfident in their judgment, they forget that they are not always right. If Executives continue asserting unsolicited opinions upon others, people might soon find them arrogant and condescending.

To wrap it up, dominant traits are neither our strengths nor are they our weaknesses. They are simply traits we tend to exhibit naturally in our daily lives without much realization.

The biggest reminder here is this: a trait is a trait. It is a unique characteristic of an archetype, each carrying its own pros and cons. With that understanding, let us now venture into the next set of traits that we do more consciously—our supportive traits.

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Supportive Traits [Executive]