Background depicting an imagined scenario in the life of a Specialist.

Core Motivation

As humans, we need food, water, and air to stay alive. But as we all know, it is not enough to merely survive. To truly live, we need to fulfill the innate desires that give our lives meaning. Generally, these desires can be broadly categorized into four different types of primal human desires: variety, certainty, belonging, and significance.

Motivation is the fuel necessary
to keep the human engine running.

Zig Ziglar

In Personality Ninja, these desires are embodied into four distinct Classes. Explorers crave for variety while Builders long for certainty. Leaders yearn for belonging while Evolvers strive for significance. Although we may experience all these desires at different moments of our lives, only one will stand out as our dominant desire, influencing our every thought and action throughout our lives.

At its core, Specialists are of the Builder Class, striving to establish order in life. And by Builders, we don't mean those who do construction work, but simply those who prioritize the perfection of what is known. More specifically, Specialists are Builders who seek Familiarity. They want to familiarize themselves with what they've done before, building upon their experiences rather than starting anew.

Specialists as Builders

To be steady on the outside, one must be consistent on the inside. Builders thrive in a life of order as it gives them direction physically, spiritually, and mentally. Hence, they do their best to keep everything as it is, so that nothing spirals into disarray. By establishing stability, Builders believe that nothing can go wrong, as no matter what happens, they will always have solid ground to stand on.

You can't build a great
building on a weak foundation.

Gordon Bitner Hinckley

Although the world may exist in a constant state of chaos, Builders are always there to provide necessary order. They are driven by the need for certainty, which is why they strive to keep everything under control. Through structured plans and routines, they feel prepared to weather any storm that comes their way. Consequently, Builders are constantly organizing their lives, as they believe that a good structure serves as the foundation of all successful endeavors.

Chaos is the arch-nemesis of Builders. They shudder at the thought of exploring uncharted territory without a plan because that would leave them vulnerable to the unknown. They want to know what to expect, and are cautious of being caught off-guard in case things spiral out of control. Thus, Builders are always prepared, gearing up for everything ahead of time. After all, the best performances can only be delivered by those who practice the most.

When one fails to plan, one plans to fail. Builders understand this well, and thus, they strive to stay ten steps ahead in any task they undertake. Time is their ally, and they make the most of it by taking every possible scenario into account, leaving no stone unturned. Therefore, Builders will always dot their i's and cross their t's, because they know that an hour of preparation can save a day of pointless effort.

Beyond that, Specialists are of the Builder Class that is supported by the Evolver Subclass. Evolvers are those who prioritize their own personal development, always pushing themselves to improve as a person. More specifically, Specialists are Evolvers who seek for Accuracy. They want to develop bulletproof frameworks, deriving the most definite and precise truths of life.

Familiarity By Evolving With Accuracy

Life is a journey, and Evolvers are the travelers. As they walk along it, they build themselves up bit by bit, learning the many lessons of life. And though there will be many setbacks along the way, they know that as long as they continue striving ahead, each step backward will only take them two steps forward. To put it simply, Evolvers are not afraid of growing slowly, as real change requires time and effort.

If there's one thing Evolvers want, it would be to know their place in the world. To find their personal calling in life, they look not outwards, but inwards. They seek to understand themselves deeper and deeper, peeling back the layers of their being to uncover who they truly are. Evolvers believe doing so unlocks their fullest potential, allowing them to make their mark on Earth before their time is up.

Just go and be yourself;
everyone else is already taken.

Nothing frightens Evolvers more than to follow a crowd blindly. Born with an independent mind, they find it hard to understand those who bend over backwards just to fulfill everyone's wishes. To Evolvers, those who do that are walking towards their own demise, no different than sheeps being led to slaughter. Come what may, Evolvers will never betray their beliefs or principles.

At the end of the day, to truly live, one needs a direction in life. For Evolvers, that direction is simply self-growth. The path they take will be rough and filled with challenges, but Evolvers will never stop trying to improve as a person. They know that their efforts will eventually pay off in the long run, as the right mindset is the main ingredient for inner peace—the key to lasting stability.

All in all, Specialists are Builders who evolve their personal truths to develop a stable and familiar lifestyle. Based on their core motivation, each specific archetype possesses a distinct set of traits, giving birth to their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

Nevertheless, the themes covered thus far are merely the tip of the iceberg. To understand more about Specialists and discover their unique journey of growth, let us explore the next section where we will analyze the dominant aspects of the Specialist archetype.

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Dominant Aspects [Specialist]