Exploring for Possibilities
Dominant Aspects
If humans were computers, our dominant traits would be the operating system that is embedded and hard-coded in our minds. These deeply ingrained behaviors run on autopilot, driving our every action without conscious thought. Like breathing or blinking, we can actively choose to control our actions with enough concentration. However, most of the time, our recurring behaviors seem to be driven by our subconscious, functioning effortlessly and instinctively.
Instinct is a marvelous thing. It can
neither be explained nor ignored.
Agatha Christie
Dominant traits are often mistaken as strengths in most other personality systems. But here in Personality Ninja, we hold a different view. To us, traits are just traits, shaped by the wiring of our cognitive functions. Whether a trait is good or bad largely depends on the way it is used. As such, these traits can either be the source of one's greatest strengths, or the cause of their biggest downfall.
Naturally, we will hone our dominant traits, refining them into our super strengths. However, if we are not careful, there is a chance that we may push our dominant traits into overdrive, manifesting them in very unhealthy ways. In the end, our dominant traits are our natural tendencies and nothing more. The key to harnessing them effectively lies in knowing when, where, and how to use them.
Fueled by the power of ideas, Torchbearers mobilize others to achieve the impossible. They ensure that projects run efficiently by creatively allocating resources, often finding new ways to get a bigger bang for their buck. By managing innovatively, Torchbearers can push their teams to achieve more. This gives them a much-needed edge in bringing constructive change to this rapidly evolving world.
However, not everyone may be accustomed to the management style of Torchbearers. The emphasis on productivity might not bode well with some, especially with those who set clear boundaries in the name of prioritizing their personal time. If Torchbearers expect everyone to always be at their beck and call, they might build a reputation of insensitivity, inadvertently putting a strain on their interpersonal relationships.
There may come a point where Torchbearers disregard the feelings of others for the sake of effectiveness. In this state, Torchbearers can be intolerant to those who are not up to par, viewing them as a liability. Thus, they might lose their temper over slight setbacks and become hostile towards underperforming individuals. Due to their impatience, Torchbearers may ultimately create more enemies than progress.
There is no problem too daunting for Torchbearers, for their natural talent equips them with a plethora of creative ideas. With a vast array of innovative tricks up their sleeves, Torchbearers can tackle any obstacles that come their way. Their ingenuity makes them a valuable asset to any team. No matter the challenge, one can always bet on Torchbearers to help them out with an out-of-the-box solution.
However, the solutions Torchbearers offer may not always suffice for issues that require more intricate and well-thought-out approaches. This might be due to Torchbearers not dedicating enough time to grasp the complexities of the problems at hand. In such cases, Torchbearers may provide hasty solutions as a quick-fix, causing any progress made to be rendered ineffective by their cursory decision-making.
Due to their quick thinking, Torchbearers would naturally think of a multitude of reasons to back their proposals. However, this is both a blessing and a curse when they confuse quality with quantity. Although they may have plenty of seemingly logical reasons, these “reasons” are at risk of collapsing when scrutinized for inconsistencies. Ultimately, like a house of cards, the Torchbearer’s rationale is simply one blow away from caving in.
With an unwavering determination to succeed, Torchbearers can conceive a myriad of creative solutions to achieve their aims. They effectively collaborate with their teams to generate ideas in order to overcome seemingly impossible problems. Even in the terrifying face of failure, they persist until every possibility is exhausted. This makes Torchbearers quite the entrepreneur, as they can easily devise innovative ways to accomplish multiple goals at a time.
Unfortunately, Torchbearers may become excessively preoccupied with their success. This is because they regard the results of their efforts as a measure of their self-worth. However, they may fail to recognize that confidence derived from extrinsic achievements tend to be short-lived. As a result, they may feel compelled to overwork themselves, thereby neglecting their mental and physical well-being.
Too often, obsession turns into delusion. For Torchbearers, achieving results may entail getting there by any means necessary, even if it means resorting to unethical behavior. In their pursuit of certain goals, they may be tempted to turn a blind eye toward abuse and corruption, or worse yet, become transgressors of morality themselves. Alas, when the illusion of success inevitably falls apart, Torchbearers will be left with nothing but painful regret.
There is never a dull moment with Torchbearers around. Quick-witted and innovative, they are great at bringing new and interesting ideas to the team. With their presence, discussions flow smoothly, as Torchbearers bring in diverse perspectives to the table. Through these discussions, Torchbearers can generate effective solutions to problems, adding a whole new dimension to productivity.
However, these discussions might not end up as productive as Torchbearers would like to think. The branching of ideas might never stop, and consequently, there may never be any conclusion. This is because Torchbearers tend to offer a host of contrasting views on an issue, often deviating from the main topic. If Torchbearers fail to steer themselves back to the point, no idea will ever see the light of day.
To put it bluntly, not everyone appreciates being pestered for their input, especially when it means entertaining Torchbearers and their endless stream of strange ideas. The more Torchbearers try to strike up controversial discussions, the more they may come across as intrusive and bothersome. If Torchbearers continue to disregard people's personal space and privacy, they will eventually
risk being seen as ineffective members.
To wrap it up, dominant traits are neither our strengths nor are they our weaknesses. They are simply traits we tend to exhibit naturally in our daily lives without much realization.
The biggest reminder here is this: a trait is a trait. It is a unique characteristic of an archetype, each carrying its own pros and cons. With that understanding, let us now venture into the next set of traits that we do more consciously—our supportive traits.
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Supportive Traits [Torchbearer]