Background depicting an imagined scenario in the life of a Sage.

Dominant Aspects

If humans were computers, our dominant traits would be the operating system that is embedded and hard-coded in our minds. These deeply ingrained behaviors run on autopilot, driving our every action without conscious thought. Like breathing or blinking, we can actively choose to control our actions with enough concentration. However, most of the time, our recurring behaviors seem to be driven by our subconscious, functioning effortlessly and instinctively.

Instinct is a marvelous thing. It can
neither be explained nor ignored.

Agatha Christie

Dominant traits are often mistaken as strengths in most other personality systems. But here in Personality Ninja, we hold a different view. To us, traits are just traits, shaped by the wiring of our cognitive functions. Whether a trait is good or bad largely depends on the way it is used. As such, these traits can either be the source of one's greatest strengths, or the cause of their biggest downfall.

Naturally, we will hone our dominant traits, refining them into our super strengths. However, if we are not careful, there is a chance that we may push our dominant traits into overdrive, manifesting them in very unhealthy ways. In the end, our dominant traits are our natural tendencies and nothing more. The key to harnessing them effectively lies in knowing when, where, and how to use them.

❱ Inspiring in Embracing Individuality

The courage to be authentic is a hallmark of Sages. In a world where society is constantly trying to fit square pegs into round holes, many Sages have come to realize that it is better to carve out their own path if they want to fulfill their potential. Never shying away from their own individuality, they evolve into independent, insightful, and inspiring souls as they accord themselves the opportunity for personal growth. After all, to be human is to be true to one's nature.


However, the spotlight Sages point on themselves can sometimes be so blinding that they fail to see beyond their own needs and desires. This makes them oblivious to the impact of their actions on the people around them. Lacking awareness of the world outside, some of them might unintentionally trouble others without feeling any remorse. If this continues on, Sages may end up building a reputation of selfishness, instead of a better character.

As though being selfish isn't bad enough already, some Sages might even put themselves on a pedestal so high that they may begin to exhibit narcissistic traits. Believing that they are the protagonist of their own story, they might exude a stench of self-importance, always expecting everyone to listen to what they have to say. Sadly, if Sages act like the world revolves around them, they may end up having the world going against them instead.

❱ Symbolic in Cultivating Beliefs

A lighthouse willl bring ships safely into port even in the darkest of nights. Likewise, a Sage's inner voice will help navigate even the roughest seas of life. Possessing the inherent nature to discern right from wrong, they cultivate personal beliefs that act as a guide to their personal decisions, ultimately defining their character within. No matter what challenges life gives them, these beliefs will stand strong, always showing Sages the rightful way.


However, when a Sage's values are criticized, their world may be shaken, or even turned upside down. Tying their self-worth so strongly to their beliefs, some Sages might take offense at any remark that sows even a hint of doubt in their values. Consequently, they might begin to turn a deaf ear towards anyone that challenges them. Sadly, this type of stubbornness will only push the ones closest to Sages far away.

Worst of all, some Sages may be exceptionally harsh on themselves when they fail to honor their values. Even the slightest transgression is impermissible in their eyes, and deserving of merciless self-criticism. Such Sages may bash themselves relentlessly, denying themselves even an ounce of self-compassion. If left unremedied, this growing sense of negativity will annihilate a Sage's self-esteem completely, leaving them to feel like an empty shell of their former selves.

❱ Instinctive in Prioritizing Perceptively

In a world of abundance, less is more. Instead of being engulfed by the sheer amount of choices available, Sages boil them down to the bare essentials. Connected to their inner voice on a visceral level, they can easily identify their likes and dislikes at a glance. And while they might struggle to give shape to this amorphous feeling, they know that it is certainly there. As such, Sages will always let their intuition forge their priorities, as it will lead them to the one path that truly matters.


The downside to this is that some Sages follow only their hearts instead of their minds. As emotional beings, they may not see the importance of logic, and thus, believe that it is pointless. But when they rely solely on what feels right to determine their path of trajectory, they run the risk of jeopardizing everything that they have built up so far. If Sages continue to journey through life according to the whims of their soul, they will ultimately end up at the mercy of a self-destructive fate.

At their worst, Sages might be unreasonably fussy with their wants and needs. If they are granted everything they wish for, they will gradually develop a sense of entitlement. With the belief that they are wise and special, some Sages may mistaken the things that matter to them as the only things that matter in the world. If left unremedied, the arrogance of such Sages will unleash a wave of backlash from society.

❱ Profound in Refining Values

To Sages, it is not enough to merely be aware of their values. To live a life of meaning, they believe that they must understand the motivations that shape their identity. Thus, Sages dedicate an enormous amount of time and effort to refine the values that matter to them. To ensure that their decisions align with their life's vision, they question the core of their beliefs with deep deliberation, reminding themselves of their purpose. This in turn allows them to act with clarity and confidence.


Although Sages are highly attuned to their principles, they often have issues with taking action. Believing that fulfillment originates only from within, some Sages might spend their entire lives ruminating on their thoughts. However, even after discovering their deepest values, they might still feel a sense of emptiness, not realizing that real fulfillment comes from contributing to others. At the end of day, Sages who fail to understand this may never experience true happiness after all.

Unfortunately, a Sage's obsession with their values can sometimes lead to their downfall. Preoccupied with their values, they may become so absorbed in their world that they neglect everything else, forgetting the importance of community. Sages may even dismiss human interaction for the sake of their dreams, unknowingly pushing away the people around them. If they fall into this state of extremism, they may end up isolated and abandoned by everyone in the world.

To wrap it up, dominant traits are neither our strengths nor are they our weaknesses. They are simply traits we tend to exhibit naturally in our daily lives without much realization.

The biggest reminder here is this: a trait is a trait. It is a unique characteristic of an archetype, each carrying its own pros and cons. With that understanding, let us now venture into the next set of traits that we do more consciously—our supportive traits.

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Supportive Traits [Sage]