Background depicting an imagined scenario in the life of a Sage.

Shadows Within

The brightest flames cast the darkest shadows. Likewise, beneath one's greatest strengths, lie their biggest flaws. Yet, aren't flaws but one's potential waiting to be harnessed? It is simply a matter of perspective. Deep within, the Sage archetype has shadows that involve Logical Effectiveness and Concrete Experiences. When the shadows are embraced, Sages become their truest selves, reaching infinite heights. If neglected however, their greatest downfall awaits.

Everyone carries a shadow,
and the less it is embodied in the
individual’s conscious life, the blacker
and denser it is. At all counts, it forms
an unconscious snag, thwarting our
most well-meant intentions.

Carl Gustav Jung

The concept of shadows is rooted in the theories of Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist who believed that the human psyche has an unconscious side that embodies perceived negative qualities we disassociate ourselves from. Yet, most are unaware of the shadows lurking in the abyss of their subconscious minds.

People prefer to rely on their instincts—one's natural traits—in dealing with the daily challenges of life. More often than not, when things aren't working out, people will cling to the traits they are familiar with, not realizing that their shadows could be the key to solving their problems. Before long, they will face a reckoning: the ultimate consequence of neglecting their shadows within.

Running away from your shadows.

When we acknowledge and integrate our inner shadows into our consciousness, we open ourselves up to fully embracing all aspects of who we are. By accepting and learning from our imperfections, we embark on a meaningful journey of self-discovery, unlocking our true potential. Ultimately, the process of embracing our shadows can lead to greater inner peace and tremendous personal growth.

This section will shed light on the blind spots of the Sage, illustrating how they will be affected by their shadows. Sages will learn about the events leading up to their reckoning, how they might react, and how they can overcome it. More importantly, it gives Sages a new perspective on life through the lens of their shadows, changing the way they approach life forever.

The Unsuspecting Path To Darkness

Sages are among the archetypes that desire to grow as an individual, hoping to be significant in their own unique way. Nothing fulfills them more than living an authentic life. In search of a place in this world, Sages embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to unleash the best version of themselves. As such, they are devastated at the thought of not achieving their fullest potential. Because deep down, they fear that their lives might ultimately amount to nothing.

It is the brightest of lights that
casts the darkest of shadows.

To become a better person, Sages focus a lot on their personal growth. Wanting to resemble that perfect image of themselves, some may set unrealistically high standards, often beating themselves up even if they did great. On the other hand, some Sages might think too highly of themselves when in reality, they are only mediocre at best. Unfortunately, Sages will never know how much they are really worth without the various feedback from those around them.

Aside from that, some Sages may wish to stay out of society, not realizing that they are bound to it. And as a part of society, their beliefs will inevitably clash with others. In the face of opposing views, they might choose to fight back or remain in silent defiance. However, when they raise walls to block out opinions they disagree with, they will lose many opportunities for growth. Moreover, they risk being ostracized by their communities, rendering them utterly insignificant.

The vulnerable shadow of a Sage.

The truth is, Sages want to be respectable in their own eyes. Hence, their motivation to improve often stems from the need to be someone of value. However, self-validation alone does not define a person’s true worth. Upon realizing this, they might spiral into a dark and empty place. There, an insight emerges: significance is earned through the recognition of others. In response, Sages might swing to the other extreme, desperate to prove themselves to others.

In that state, Sages act out of character, becoming overly concerned with the issues in their community. They may impose the group's ideals onto others, suppressing people’s individuality. It gets worse when they spew out ridiculous reasons to justify their harmful actions as being for the greater good. Fortunately, most Sages do not dwell here for too long. They bounce back quickly and will soon revert to their unique ways of life; and the cycle continues.

An eclipse hides the light of the sun, briefly, just like the shadow that eclipses the true nature of a person.

This phenomenon is a manifestation of the Sage's darkest shadow—the difficulty to think of what's logically best for others. That's because they focus too much on themselves. People might harshly berate them, calling them useless and incompetent failures, but these criticisms cut deep only because they are grounded in some truth. As bad as it sounds, this shadow is not a weakness, let alone a curse. It is but an untapped strength that lies dormant, ready to be awakened.

To unleash its potential, this shadow must be embraced with open arms. But the journey will be difficult. Sages naturally avoid reasoning things out with others as it is their most vulnerable aspect. Even if they understand the logic, they might struggle to accept it on an emotional level, leading to an internal battle between their feelings and what's logically right. As such, if Sages continue to neglect this shadow, they will be stuck in a cycle of ignorance forever.

Human beings have demonstrated
a talent for self-deception when
their emotions are stirred.

Carl Sagan

To break free and thrive, Sages must do away with excuses and face their fear head-on. Instead of blindly following their hearts, they should always utilize logic when they are making decisions for themselves and others. If something doesn’t feel right, Sages must reason it out with other people to understand their emotions in a logical manner. By doing so, they become more rational as individuals, allowing them to work effectively with their communities.

As such, Sages who have reached a higher stage of growth will find themselves empowered by this shadow. Rather than living in their own world, they look outwards to consider what's objectively best for everyone. While they may still be clouded by their own emotions at times, they are generally more receptive to people’s reasoning, knowing that it will guide them towards better decisions. With this shadow mastered, Sages will finally find their place in the world by becoming a vital part of their communities.

When Darkness Meets Light

Not all shadows are dark and intimidating. Among them lies one that serves as a source of inspiration. Nonetheless, it is also an illusion as it lures Sages into the false impression that they are good at it. That being said, this illusion is no stranger to them, making it easier to connect with. More importantly, grasping it will bring them one step forward in their journey of growth. Evoking a sense of awe and wonder, its presence will never fail to fascinate Sages.

As mentioned previously, Sages find personal values in thinking about the deeper meaning of life. As such, they often get annoyed by those who are shallow and superficial. Every so often, Sages will gain important insights that help in cultivating their beliefs and values. By pondering upon these revelations, they gain a deeper understanding of themselves. Because of that, Sages constantly deliberate upon their thoughts, seeking to realize their life's true purpose.

If you have built castles
in the air, your work need not
be lost; that is where they should be.
Now put the foundations under them.

Henry David Thoreau

Unfortunately, Sages who are overly perceptive are usually out of touch with reality. They speak only of vague concepts, insisting their claims to be true without any factual backing. Luckily, most Sages are aware of this weakness early on and will try to verify their facts before making outrageous statements. So when their insights do hold up in reality, they often gain a sense of satisfaction, proud that they have gathered enough concrete information to prove their assertions.

However, Sages cannot change the fact that this isn't something they normally do. Yet, clouded by this illusion, they may hold on to the naive belief that they are naturals at it. Under this delusion, Sages might think of themselves as factual and objective people who are never skewed by intuitive assumptions. Perhaps when they are able to resist the urge of jumping to conclusions, they may then claim to be truly impartial, the opposite to who they truly are.

The inspiring shadow of a Sage.

Instead of dwelling in this fantasy, Sages should snap out of it, and accept that this is not their key strength. If this is a hard pill to swallow, then all they have to do is open their eyes to look at those who have a myriad of technical facts at their fingertips. Sages will quickly realize that the few facts they have are often biased and cherry-picked to fit their preconceived notions. Hopefully, this truth will humble them and show them that they have so much more to learn.

All in all, Sages are deeply inspired by those equipped with proper facts and details, even if they find them annoying at times. Sometimes, they just wish their minds had a wealth of factual knowledge, ready to be drawn upon at any time. The good news is, Sages who see through this illusion will start backing their insights with more substance to enhance its clarity. In time, Sages will uncover life's most profound epiphany—it is the details that complete the big picture.

Embracing Your Shadows

The Sage's shadows may appear menacing at first, but now that they are brought to light, there is no reason to fear them. Despite that, one cannot afford to be complacent. Whatever happens, Sages must keep a close eye on their shadows as they can drastically shape a person’s destiny. By developing their shadows, Sages will undergo exponential growth, raising themselves up to greater heights.

While the saying “focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses” may be true in certain contexts, it actually leads to a painful divide within us in most cases. By concentrating on our strengths, we tend to suppress our shadows deeper and deeper, neglecting them by overplaying our strengths. And when our shadows are left in the dark, they will quietly fester, bringing about a dreadful reckoning sooner or later.

Unexpressed emotions will never die.
They are buried alive and will come
forth later in uglier ways.

Sigmund Freud

With a newfound understanding, Sages will learn to embrace their shadows within. Rather than shutting them off, healthy Sages will approach their shadows with curiosity and calmness, seeking to uncover the underlying reasons behind their unexpected presence. After all, our shadows are not bad parts that are trying to sabotage our lives. As “awful” as they may seem, they can actually help us cope better, especially in areas that we deem most stressful.

Nevertheless, the shadow's attempt at being the hero often fails miserably, causing Sages more pain and problems in life. Whenever these shadows resurface, they often wreak havoc, as they have been neglected for far too long. Instead of rejecting these parts of themselves, Sages should learn to make space for them in their hearts. Only by accepting their shadows can Sages unite all parts of themselves to become a healthy whole.

Embracing your shadows with love.

Knowing the path forward, it is now up to Sages to transform for better or worse. Of course the journey ahead will be difficult, with countless obstacles to triumph. However, those hurdles come part and parcel with growth. The path chosen is not going to be easy; but it will most definitely be worth it.

Working with our shadows can provide a transformative and enlightening experience, enabling us to live more authentically, compassionately, and meaningfully. Hopefully, everyone will find the courage to push forward, face their fears, and embrace their shadows as they embark on this never-ending journey of personal growth.

Now that you have understood a large part of what it means to be Sages, you might be wondering what the best steps are for one to become better. And that's what the next section is all about: ten concrete actions that can be easily taken to effectively accelerate the Sage's personal growth!

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Personal Growth [Sage]