A sanctuary for learning about typology.

NXT Core

The NXT personality framework

Type Outlook


Type Outlook is an archetype’s point of view, or more specifically, the lens they look through to make sense of the world around them. There are two kinds of lenses; one can either understand the world through concrete facts and data, or through abstract concepts and ideas. Based on preference, archetypes will either be Sensors or Intuitives.

Sensor Types

Sensors are those who view the world through factual lenses. They examine and observe by processing concrete data-centric information to obtain facts. To be clear, when we use the term “sensing”, we are not literally referring to the five senses such as touch, hearing, smell, taste, and sight. Those physical sensations can be perceived by all. Instead, when we talk about sensing within our framework, we are referring to the cognitive processing of concrete facts.

So what are the key traits of a Sensor? Well above all, Sensors are known to discuss and express their thoughts through facts and details. Because of that, they tend to be interested in things that are realistic and practical. This can be seen in the way they grasp subject matters. More often than not, Sensors will examine the sensory details in order to understand what it is and what led up to it.

Consequently, Sensors can easily recognize the physical attributes of things and people in their day to day lives. With that in mind, it is no wonder that Sensors are constantly bringing up concrete facts and figures during conversations.

This, unfortunately, has its downsides. Since Sensors prioritize facts over ideas, many of them may end up going through life as it is without attaching much meaning to their experiences. This makes them rather literal, and they often overlook the underlying meaning behind the things they do, only seeing what is shown on the surface.

Although facts are necessary for a realistic view on life, Sensors should keep in mind that observations without meaning are simply hollow.

Brief technical description: Sensors want to discern the most tangible facts by prioritizing concrete realities.

Intuitive Types

Intuitives are those who view things through abstract lenses. They examine and observe by processing abstract idea-centric information to obtain concepts. For those who are wondering what an Intuitive is, let’s take a look at the word it was derived from: intuition. According to Oxford Languages, intuition is described as the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Naturally, every one of us will have some form of intuition. People are bound to have gut instincts and realizations throughout their lives. However, within our framework, intuition is specifically tied to the cognitive processing of abstract concepts.

Now, what defines an Intuitive? For one thing, all Intuitives are known to discuss and express their thoughts through concepts and ideas. As such, their interests tend to lie in the whys and what ifs. This can be seen in their understanding of subject matters. Oftentimes, Intuitives will take a step back to examine the bigger picture in order to grasp why it exists and why it happened.

Because of that, Intuitives tend to have an easier time recognizing the abstract patterns of things and people in their everyday lives. Knowing this, don’t be surprised when you catch them talking constantly in analogies and metaphors during a conversation.

Sadly, like Sensors, all of this does not come without its faults. Since Intuitives prioritize concepts over facts, many of them may end up championing ideas that aren’t practical. Some might even come off as rather woo-woo, as they have a tendency to believe in things that lack factual evidence, existing only in theory.

In light of this, Intuitives should keep in mind that no matter how profound or revolutionary their ideas may be, it will always remain a figment of their imagination without the support of facts and data.

Brief technical description: Intuitives want to uncover the most meaningful ideas by prioritizing abstract concepts.


Now that we understand how a person views the world through Type Outlook, let us continue on to Type Tactic to get a sense of how a person makes decisions.

Read next part → Type Tactic [Origin]