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Fluid Energy

Fluid Energy belongs to one of the two Energy Densities in the NXT personality framework. If you are new or unfamiliar with the topic, do refer to the Introduction of Energy Density for more information.


Fluid Energy is the form of energy in Cognitive Functions where the density of it is Fluid, affecting a person’s temperament or mindset.

This energy commonly carries the traits of being flexible, passive, and compliant. As such, Fluid Energy induces a psychological state that is movable in cognition, emotion, and action.

To provide greater clarity and understanding of the descriptions above, below are the key definitions for the specific terms used.

Key Definitions

Definition of Energy Density:
The density of mental energy that constitutes the psyche, characterized by the solidity or fluidity of one's observations and decisions.

Note: Energy Density here does not relate to the definition in physics that refers to the amount of energy stored in a given mass or volume of a specific material. It merely refers to how firm or flexible one's observations or decisions are.

Definition of Fluid:
Structure or Construct that easily changes, shifting readily even with little pressure.

Note: Something that is Fluid creates a sense of receptivity, making this energy more flexible and compliant.

Energy Structure

Energy Structure is the Energy Density of one's Observing Functions. When an individual’s Energy Structure is Fluid, all of its Observing Functions will possess Fluid Energy. This causes the individual to be more flexible with their observations.

With a Fluid Structure, they have a loose grasp of facts and figures, associated with having a vague memory. As for their concepts and ideas, they appear to be more obscure in the mind, and as such, are more malleable and easily changeable.

Energy Construct

Energy Construct is the Energy Density of one's Deciding Functions. When an individual’s Energy Construct is Fluid, all of its Deciding Functions will possess Fluid Energy. This causes the individual to be more flexible with their decisions.

With a Fluid Construct, they rarely have strong opinions about matters and are open to differing points of view. If possible, they prefer to steer clear of conflict and are more agreeable. They do not mind changing their stance and would often comply with others.

Related Topics

  1. Energy Density
  2. Type Temperament
  3. Receptive
  4. Conclusive
  5. Decisive

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