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Conclusive belongs to one of the four Type Temperaments in the NXT personality framework. If you are new or unfamiliar with the topic, do refer to the Introduction of Type Temperament for more information.


Conclusive Type Temperament is the temperamental outcome of the Solid Observing Functions and Fluid Deciding Functions, resulting in a Conclusive mindset.

Those of this Type Temperament are immovable in their observations but movable in their decisions, being firm in their knowledge but flexible in their opinions on matters.

To provide greater clarity and understanding of the descriptions above, below are the key definitions for the specific terms used.

Key Definitions

Definition of Conclusive:
Firm with observations made but flexible with decisions made.

Note: The term conclusive commonly implies definite evidence that removes any doubt or question. However, this does not mean that one is confident of the decisions or choices to make.

Definition of Solid:
Structure or Construct that hardly changes, staying firm even under high pressure.

Note: Something that is Solid creates a sense of sureness, making this energy more firm and forceful.

Definition of Fluid:
Structure or Construct that easily changes, shifting readily even with little pressure.

Note: Something that is Fluid creates a sense of receptivity, making this energy more flexible and compliant.

Derivative Traits

As mentioned above, Conclusive Type Temperaments are immovable in their observations but movable in their decisions, being firm in their knowledge but flexible in their opinions on matters. As such, various characteristics can be expanded upon this description to understand it better.

To illustrate an experiential depiction of a Conclusive individual, here are some possible derivative traits that are commonly reported from individuals of this Type Temperament.

  1. Possesses a definitive stance on what they perceive to be the correct information.
  2. Communicates their knowledge in a direct manner, but opinions in an uncertain manner.
  3. Quick to accept different opinions, but rectifies information they perceive to be incorrect.
  4. May be confident in providing facts and concepts, but hesitant with one's thoughts and feelings.
  5. Assumes their information to be correct, but sways easily between different opinions.
Note: As these are some possible derivative traits, a person of this Type Temperament will either display some or most of the attributes above, with differing frequency and intensity.

Related Topics

  1. Type Temperament
  2. Energy Density
  3. Solid Energy
  4. Fluid Energy
  5. Decisive

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