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NXT Rhythm is the category for personality types that share common traits according to their inherent patterns, forming their Type Drive and Type Style in the NXT personality framework.


NXT Rhythm delves into the inherent patterns that form one's personality, explaining the variation in disposition among different individuals. By breaking down this topic, one can understand the recurring behaviors and mannerisms that people tend to exhibit.

As mentioned previously, the four Personality Classes can be divided into two categories, Type Perspective and Type Strategy. Type Perspective describes the primal desires which influence one's observations, while Type Strategy describes the primal desires which influence one's decisions.

When these two aspects are paired, they bring about consistent patterns of behavior, better known as Type Drives. There are a total of four Type Drives: Reflecting, Analyzing, Interacting, and Directing.

Listed below is a brief summary of each Type Drive:

  • Reflecting - Prioritizing oneself while focusing on what's known.
  • Analyzing - Prioritizing oneself while focusing on the unknown.
  • Interacting - Prioritizing others while focusing on the unknown.
  • Directing - Prioritizing others while focusing on what's known.

Similar to the primal desires, humans are driven to carry out these four behaviors, only in different priorities and frequencies. This difference occurs even among those of the same archetype. As a result, similar archetypes may leave varying impressions despite sharing the same Personality Classes and Class Methods.

In short, NXT Rhythm is centered on the Type Drives, explaining how they shape and determine an individual's personality. Below are the topics that will be covered within NXT Rhythm.

Type Drive

Type Drive will delve into how an individual's Type Perspective and Type Strategy pair up to determine their recurring behavioral tendencies. As people prioritize the four primal human desires differently, each individual will have a unique pairing of their top two desires. This preference determines their Type Drives.

There are two different primal human desires under Type Perspective, which can be paired with either of the two primal human desires under Type Strategy. This gives rise to the classification of four Type Drives: Reflector, Analyzer, Interactor, and Director.

Type Style

Type Style will delve into how an individual's hierarchy of Type Drives correlate with their demeanor. Although the first Type Drive is determined by the top two Cognitive Functions, the subsequent Type Drives are dependent on the individual. This preference determines their Type Styles.

Any two Type Drives, aside from their inverse counterpart, can be paired to form a Type Style. This gives rise to the classification of four Type Styles: Reserved (RA), Spontaneous (AI), Expressive (ID), and Structured (DR).

Related Topics

  1. NXT Class
  2. NXT Origin
  3. NXT Energy
  4. Type Perspective
  5. Type Strategy

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